Some of you may already have updated to iOS 7 and some are wondering if my Apps work on iOS 7.
As mentioned in my last post, yes, Electronic Toolbox and RF-Toolbox work fine with iOS 7 as it still does on iOS 5 and 6.
There is only one glitch I am aware of. The progress bar which is displayed e.g. when loading an update is displayed in white and iOS 7 uses a white background so the progress bar is invisible but besides that everything works fine.
So if you already have iOS 7 installed, just ignore the invisible progress bar and be just patient when waiting for the completion.
Of course, this glitch has been addressed in my recent update which has been sent to Apple recently.
I hope that Apple will release the new update of Electronic Toolbox soon (although they seem to be quite busy as there currently seem to be many updates waiting for being released) as the new update contains nine more tools you will love and several improvements.
Kind regards,