Electronic Toolbox News ETB App Internal

New data update, new projects and iOS 9

As you may have seen already, a new data update is available and I added some new online projects.

Data update

This data update 8.8 contains the following changes:

[su_list icon=”icon: check-square-o” icon_color=”#464278″]

  • 6510 CPU added
  • SJA1000 added
  • LM336Z5 (Programmable Shunt Regulator) added
  • Adjustments to the Circuit Symbols
  • Additions and corrections to the FET database
  • Arduino Nano V2.x and V3.x differences covered
  • A few formulas updated
  • Some Translations added/corrected


New Online Projects

Right after sending out my last news blog post, I received some projects from you. Many thanks!

After adding the 9V Colpitts Oscillator some days ago, I just added the following user projects:

[su_list icon=”icon: user” icon_color=”#464278″]

  • A Micro-M Solar charger from Clemente
  • A NE555 On-Off Switch from Karsten
  • A Short wave receiver from Mike (who also submitted the Collpits Oscillator)


To all of you, again many thanks for sharing these projects with other users.

I hope these good examples now encourage more users to send me more of their projects.

Please contact me in case of questions.

iOS 9

I guess some of you have seen the exciting Apple WWDC event yesterday. If not, you can still watch the Keynote from here.

It’s exciting to see how many new and great features like new Multitasking capabilities, the new Keyboard features and Touchpad to move the cursor and other great things are about to come with the next iOS version.

This really shows that Apple won’t stop to further improve something we all already don’t want to miss anymore. It’s also good to see that Apple now concentrates on many small and useful features as well as stability and speed rather than mainly UI design. It is also good to know that all devices that currently run iOS 8 will be supported so everybody will be able to update to iOS 9.

I could not wait to run iOS 9 on some of my test devices and it’s really great – already.

The best news however is, that Electronic Toolbox as well as RF-Toolbox already run on iOS 9 without any issue and they even benefit and can use some of the new features.

Of course will I also integrate some new features of iOS 9 directly into my Apps but first and before I will finish the version I am currently working on.

I will keep you updated,

Many thanks to all users and supporters!

Thanks for your reviews!

Best regards,

Electronic Toolbox News ETB App Internal

Online Projects and Data Update

Dear Users,

sorry, the Online Projects section was offline shortly. It is now back online.

Projects of users

By the way, some users asked me for the possibility to add a “Projects from users” section, which I did. But so far, no user sent me his or her project. So I just like to remind and encourage you to share your projects with other users.

Don’t worry if it is too small, incomplete or not professional enough from your point of view. I am pretty sure everybody will appreciate it. I remember somebody told me he has a lot of oscillator circuits. That would be a great example.

If you need some help or have questions, please let me know. I would be more than happy to help.

Some updates regarding updates

I hope to complete the next data update soon. It took me quite some time to collect all the requested information but it’s complete now and ‘just’ needs to be converted for the data update.

The next App update will take some more time but I am already working on it for quite some time now. I will keep you updated about it.

Thank you!

Many many thanks by the way for all your reviews. I really really appreciate. It is so essential nowadays to have reviews that I really appreciate. I think I saw one or two of people with issues but they didn’t contact me so I can’t help – unfortunately.

Thanks again.

Best Regards,
