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Electronic Toolbox for iOS Update 12.2 available

The first update of the new year, which is now available, contains some features several users have asked me for:

New ESP32 Tool

The App now contains a quick reference for ESP32 Boards of Espressif including specification, data-sheet access and background information.

■ New Stock / Inventory Tool

The Make section now contains a new Stock / Inventory tool which can be used to maintain your local component Inventory.

Several people asked for such a feature. I tried to implement this feature in a way that I can maintain my own stock and I am now using this tool for quite some time. However, some of you might have additional / different requirements. Please feel free to let me know if you need some changes or improvements.

■ New SamacSys / ECAD Models Tool

I am very proud to announce the new ECAD Models Tool which is powered by SamacSys. SamacSys is leader in providing Schematic Symbols, PCB Footprint and 3D models for almost any available component.

You can now use the ECAD Models Tool whenever you are looking for Details, including Data-sheet or Pinout for any component. Just check it out!

■ Source Code for Projects

You can now even add and edit the Source-Code files for your projects.

■ New Two-Tone Tool

Even though not just dealing with plain Two Tones, this new Tool allows to generate audio codes of a variety of different standards like CTCSS, DTMF, SelCall etc. There are already 11 different Standards supported. Let me know if you need more. I am happy to add them via Data Update.

■ Other changes

As usual, some additional minor requests have been implemented and some bugs were fixed.

The windows project editor will be updated soon to also support Source-code for Projects and the other new features of Electronic Toolbox.

Thank you for your great suggestions and your overwhelming support!

Best regards,
