Electronic Toolbox News

Electronic Toolbox Data update V1.14 available

As announced yesterday, a new data update V 1.14 is now available.

The data update contains the following changes:

  • Temperature chip LM35 added
  • A few coax cables, such as LMR-400 added
  • Comparator ICs LM139,LM239 and LM339 added
  • Function generator IC XR2206 and Oscillator IC XR2207 added
  • New group of Atmel controllers AT89xxx added
  • New section I2C-bus in the IC tool with some I2C-bus ICs like the PCF8574
  • New section Optocouplers in the IC tool with some Optocouplers like the 4N35
  • Some corrections and additions in some databases
  • And finally some preparations for the next App version

Thanks again for your support and help.

Have a great weekend,

kind regards,
