Electronic Toolbox news
Dear Users of Electronic Toolbox.
First of all, many thanks for your kind support, your suggestions, requests and your kind AppStore reviews which all have helped to continuously improve my app.
Many of your suggestions have already been implemented for the next version 6 of the app.
Regarding the next version, I have good and bad news.
Let’s start with the bad news. Apple is closing down for the holidays over Christmas. This doesn’t mean that my app won’t work or cannot be purchased anymore but I cannot release an update during their holidays.
The good news is however, that Apple has finally released Version 6 today. This means, that I will make it available to the app store right on January 2nd and like always, for free for all existing users.
As mentioned before, this version doesn’t contain so many more tools but many changes under the hood and changes that affected almost all existing tools such as the support for E-Series values or the global search function. Version 6 will, of course, support the new 4” retina display and iOS 6. As there were much rumors about my app being or not-being compatible to older iOS version, I can again confirm that it will run on iOS 4.3, 5.x and 6 and will run on all devices which can run at least iOS 4.3 (for further reading, just head to my blog : http://creating-your-app.com/electronic-toolbox-version-6-announcement/).
I will announce the details of the changes and additions along with the release of version 6.
Today’s Electronic Toolbox data update only contains a few more tables for the tables tool, some corrections and some more information texts for the existing tools.
As usual, I am already working on the next version (even though the new version has not been released). My to-do list with my own ideas and your suggestions is still quite long so there is still much to do.
I have also some exciting ideas and already talked to a very interesting company who will be able to support my app in many respects. So I am sure, 2013 is going to be an exciting year for Electronic Toolbox. So stay tuned…
I like to thank you again and wish you and your families a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Best regards,